Wyatt also enjoyed hotel time and made himself right at home.
November 11, 2011. Wyatt showed well, which was pleasantly surprising because he usually needs a warm up day. He placed in his class. Sawyer was Best of Opposite Sex for a 5 point major in grand champion points. There was a match show after Best in Show so I entered Wyatt for more practice. He made it to the Sporting group but it was quite a long wait and he was tired and not in the mood to cooperate by then. He did have fun playing with puppy, Sophie...not sure she felt the same, but Wyatt did not seem to mind.
November 12, 2011. We started the day in Novice obedience. We should have enough time to finish before Weim judging starts. Sawyer did awesome! He passed with a great score and this earned him his novice obedience title (CD)!! And the judge complemented us on our color coordination.
I was so disappointed when we got our photo and my eyes were closed. Bummer! I'm hoping the photographer has another photo or Bobbie can work her magic and replace my head.
Off to Weim sweepstakes. Wyatt is still young so he’s eligible for puppy sweepstakes. And being young and inexperienced he did not feel like standing nicely today. He won his class but with no competition. His sister, Prada, was Best Bitch in Puppy Sweepstakes!
Wyatt did place in his class again today.
Sawyer won another 5 point grand champion major with his Best of Opposite win at the DC Club Weimaraner specialty!

We haven’t received the official photo yet but I’m hoping it came out OK....maybe I can use that head for the obedience photo...ha ha.
November 13, 2011. A repeat of yesterday without the obedience. Wyatt showed better but no Best in Sweepstakes for him or Prada.
Another placement today, just not first.
Sawyer went Best of Opposite for another 5 point major and at some point now has his Bronze Grand Champion status.
And another great prize of a tapestry dog bag you can see in the bottom left corner of the picture.
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