September 8, 2011. When we had company over on Labor Day Sawyer at a piece of his toy. Not unusual for him but the guests were a little shocked. I knew it wouldn’t be a problem because he always throws up the pieces, but in the back of my mind I was a little worried because of the size of the toy. I never thought it would be Daisy that I'd be running to the vet. She had been throwing up all night on Tuesday and when she didn’t eat Wednesday morning I knew something was seriously wrong. I took her to the vet and sure enough the x-ray revealed there was something in her stomach. They gave her something for the vomiting and sent her home with me for the night. We returned the next morning for another x-ray to see if the object moved. Of course it didn’t so she had to have surgery to remove it. We were lucky we caught it in time. It hadn’t traveled far into her intestines so the vet was able to pull it out through the stomach. I was able to pick her up that evening. She was quite groggy from the drugs and didn’t even want to get out of the car.

She slept most of the night and started feeling better the next day. She went back to the vet and everything looked fine. Now for the fun part of keeping a 7 month old Weim puppy on limited activity…HA!
Because of her big incision we started calling her Daisy Frankenbelly.
She got her stitches removed two weeks later and is doing just fine.
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