May 19, 2011. All that was on the agenda for us today was another try at obedience. I got up early to watch Barb and Desi in Rally since I missed them yesterday while we were in the breed ring. Unfortunately I was a few minutes too late and missed them again but did see them get their first place ribbon in their Rally Excellent A class.
Look how cute the winners look.
After Barb was done we did some more stays with Desi. Sawyer was doing great. 5 minute down stays! We continued to work and rest while we waited our turn.
Waiting around for obedience to start and watching the Futurity is apparently very tiring and boring for Sawyer.
Sawyer did better with the on-lead heeling today because I picked up my pace. The off lead was still a little laggy but again, he definitely passed all the exercises.
My friend Denise was around so I was able to give her my camera to take some shots of our obedience run.
We had nice attention during the Figure 8
The heeling off lead wasn’t bad either.
The shots of the recall came out really great! Sawyer’s so enthusiastic to get to me.
I’m so excited. I can’t wait for mommy to call me over to her.
Yea, she called my name, here I go!
He was a little crooked when he got there but at least he didn’t almost knock me over like yesterday.
Then came the stays. We made it through the 1 minute sit stay and then the dreaded down stay was upon us. I thought I made too much eye contact the day before so I did not look at him directly at all today. It seemed to be working…for awhile. Today he made it 2 minutes and 40 seconds! UGH! 20 seconds short of success. Guess I know what we’ll be working on.
After we failed at obedience (sigh), we went to watch Prada in the Futurity. She looked wonderful and placed 3rd in a large junior class of 8.

The day started off promising with the weather, we thought we were finally going to have a day without rain but of course as soon as the show was over it started drizzling. We quickly got Daisy on a table because I wanted to get some stacked pictures of her while we were here. She can be difficult to work with and food just makes her even crazier but we were able to get a few pictures.
Sawyer and Daisy spent some time playing together in the motor home. They had a great time burning off some energy. I was happy with the pictures with the new camera considering it was not on sports mode and with a flash.
Daisy does enjoy her toys.
And shoes, bad Daisy!
Wrestlemainia with Sawyer was so much fun.
Daisy gets a little wild when playing but she looks like quite a beast in this photo. Who is this evil puppy?
Looks like Sawyer wants to be saved from Daisy.